Moore Marketing LLC

Southport, Connecticut



You’ve Got Mail

Constant Contact Top SolutionProvider

Email marketing is one of the best ways to stay in touch with your clients. Whether you are selling a specific product or service, email is one of the most affordable and convenient marketing strategies available and you don’t even need a website to take advantage of it. And, now you can book your events and even take payments through services such as Constant Contact. Positioning your product or service toget noticed is the key to success.

Relevant email behaves the same way relevant [snail] mail does when it comes to results; if you need that product or service then the mail is needed and welcomed. Hearing from a friend, family member or trusted colleague with tidbits of important information is also another way to stay connected just ask [120 million active users]. Promoting a product or service friend to friend is now considered the gold standard of marketing. Why? Because we trust the source. Such trust can’t be bought but it can be shared, hence viral or social marketing is priceless.

As an ecommerce business you will not survive without carefully planned and executed email campaigns, that’s pretty straightforward, however, as a small business selling a service, it’s not as clear cut. Staying connected to your friends, family, colleagues and customers with trusted information and advice will keep your service top of mind when the need does arise.

Being able to be found is more than search engine optimization, it’s being relevant and conveniently arriving just in time. Click here to read more about the ease and convenience of email and how Moore Marketing Online can help plan, create and excite your next campaign.Constant Contact


Turn to Moore Marketing to create a beautifully branded and written email campaign knowing we are a trusted Constant Contact Business Partner and Certified Expert.

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